semantic comm

Semantic Coding for Text Transmission: An Iterative Design

We consider the wireless text transmission using joint source-channel coding (JSCC). Classical source coding only considers the syntactic information based on probabilistic models, ignoring the meaning of source messages. Neural network based joint …

Nonlinear Transform Source-Channel Coding for Semantic Communications

In this paper, we propose a class of high-efficiency deep joint source-channel coding methods that can closely adapt to the source distribution under the nonlinear transform, it can be collected under the name nonlinear transform source-channel …

Distributed Image Transmission using Deep Joint Source-Channel Coding

We study the problem of deep joint source-channel coding (D-JSCC) for correlated image sources, where each source is transmitted through a noisy independent channel to the common receiver. In particular, we consider a pair of images captured by two …

A Novel Deep Learning Architecture for Wireless Image Transmission

In this paper, the problem of neural compression based image transmission over wireless channels is studied. Since all procedures are considered over wireless links, the quality of training is affected by wireless factors such as packet errors. In …